Directors Cut Radio Daily–Wednesday August 18–Scott Pilgrim gets good reviews by young movie people, older people are asking who cares. New AMD chips will be affordable in two flavors. Lady Gaga is working with David Bowie

Today I have news of the new affordable AMD processor that will be coming to computers soon, also Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World was really well received by Micheal Cera fans and I’ll drop some knowledge as to why it missed everyone else, and Lady Gaga is staying classy using David Bowie on an upcoming album. Today is Wednesday August 18th 2010. This is the link to alleged proof of David Bowie’s involvement with Lady Gaga.

Directors Cut Radio Daily–Tuesday August 17– Sylvester Stallone tries to downplay the violence in The Expendables,, The $35 tablet has appeared on Indian TV. Jonathan Nolan and Spielberg converge on movie called Interstellar.

Today, Sly Stallone makes excuses for his violence on screen, also :30 seconds about the staff of the DCR show, plus Jonathan Nolan converges with Spielberg to make a new sci-fi movie, and the $35 laptop is becoming a reality for the government of India to provide students. Today is Tuesday August 17th 2010.

Directors Cut Radio Daily–Monday August 16–Sensational Claims of attacks made on Tila Tequila, A deleted scene from Return of the Jedi has surfaced, Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian together in racy photos.

Sensational claims have been made by bloggers and Mainstream Media about Tila Tequila getting attacked at the Gathering of the Juggalos, Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian have become unlikly BFF’s, and a deleted scene from Return of the Jedi has appeared at the Star Wars Celebration. Stick with me, I can clarify it all for you. Today is Monday August 16, 2010

Directors Cut Radio Daily–Friday August 13–This week in rumors. Lindsay Lohan goes full frontal. I hate vampire drama’s; may make exception for Youngest American female director Emily Haggins’ indie flick Sucky Teen Romace. Honorable mentions go out to Justin Bieber takes one for the team; gets beaned with water bottle on stage.

Today, I’ll commend Youngest American Female director Emily Haggins because I may make an exception to see a vampire drama, also Lindsey Lohan and full frontal nudity bait and switch, and I am forced to come to the defense of Justin Bieber for taking a water bottle to the head. Its Friday August 13th 2010

Directors Cut Radio Daily–Thursday August 12–Coming up or Made it up Material–Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I found a disturbing trailer for movie called The Loved Ones. I just learned that Sir Ben Kingsley kissed Mary-Kate Olsen; where was I?

Today I found out that Sir Ben Kingsly shared an on-screen kiss with Mary-Kate Olsen. Plus, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter has a title that is worth hearing more about, and I just found a disturbing trailer of a movie called The Loved Ones; it’s something different worth watching. Today is Thurdsday August 12, 2010. Here is the link to the disturbing trailer!