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Directors Cut Radio Vs. Cats

Please don’t be looking for bootleg photos of my butthole.

The internet is made up of cats in tubes. Little did we know, many years ago the brilliant minds in broadway figured out the world’s obsession with felines and made a hit play out of it. Andrew Lloyd Weber penned the music based on T.S. Elliott’s short stories and the rest was history. I bet you can still remember the tacky shirts emblazed the Cats’ logo worn by those socially awkward kids in high school who went to church regularly and took chorus as an elective by choice. Since the broadway musical cats was one of the first destination musicals for Broadway, Hollywood did what Hollywood had to do, they had to cash in on the Cat’s phenomenon and produce a feature film with the likes of Taylor Swift, James Corden, Jennifer Hudson, Rebel Wilson, Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Idris Elba, and many more. Despite the big names, this movie flopped harder than a chubby man losing his footing at the edge of the taller diving board at your local community pool. This movie was so bad, a rumor is swirling that they had to recut the movie after the initial release to remove CGI buttholes from the characters so they wouldn’t tarnish the names of these worshiped actors. Today we review Cats and talk about the travesty that was broadway on the silver screen.

Jeffrey Katzenberg talks Quibi

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This week we chat with Jeffrey Katzenberg about his new streaming service Quibi. We also review a really old movie with a Twilight star, Shark Boy and Lava Girl. Plus we come up with another scam to get rich quick.  

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