Tag Archives: He’s Just Not Into You

He’s Just Not Into You: The Directors Cut

Relationship RejectionWe are the guys show about movies. So we decided to go see and review a chick flick. He’s Just Not Into You is not just a bestseller book. It is now one of the greatest battle cry of the dating market. It is not just us guys who are the biggest losers. It’s true, even that hot chick who sat across from you in class, (whom at times, you can see up her skirt, but still not to get too see much) also suffers from dating woes. But the dating pool she swims in, you noticed, is full of jocks or guys who either has, or wants to kicks your ass. So where does that put our show? Well We are the guys show about movies. We are kings of rejection. Our show this week is all about relationship rejections. We answer some of your relationship questions. We also make fun of Ollie. Plus, I think Davenport is going to become very pissed off due to Dan. So, enjoy our show, be a part of our lives, we are The Directors Cut.