Tag Archives: Year One Review

The Directors Cut Radio Program Takes On Year One

Naughty Cavemen and Cavewomen Take To The Streets
Naughty Cavemen and Cavewomen Take To The Streets

The beginning of time was a week ago. Unfortuanetly I didn’t put the post up in time. Also, we lost this weeks recording. So I’m batting 0/2. Well, I’m going to try to buy a second recorder this week so I can have a back up for my first one. This week Sean Gandert from Paste Magazine sits in to hang out and challenges Ollie Riggle in Spain to the ultimate battle wits. But if Seans’ girlfriend is reading this… he was never on the show. I think I last saw him hanging out with some hot redhead. The voice you hear on the podcast is not his… just a guy who really has the same intrests, voice inflection and lust for video games.