Tag Archives: women

The Director’s Cut vs. When In Rome

When In Rome, do as Kristen Bell does...
When In Rome, do as Kristen Bell does...

This week, the Director’s Cut reviews When In Rome and The Edge of Darkness; but mainly When In Rome. Why, you ask? Because, once again, Sean was too good to see the movie of the week. This time, Dan and Ollie tag team the movie, and Ollie admits that he probably is Umberto (the hypersexual Italian brother-in-law). The guys had a lot to say, so be sure to check out their review. Plus, since Davenport wasn’t able to do a pick this week, it was lucky that Sean’s movie snobbery got the better of him and compelled him to see Edge of Darkness. His review makes Ollie mad and they go round and round. Regardless, the show was nuts. Dan instigates problems, Ollie gets amped and sings for three minutes, and Sean… well Sean just hates everything. It’s just another day of the Director’s Cut!

The Director’s Cut vs. Youth In Revolt!

Multiple "Personalities" are HOT!
Multiple "Personalities" are HOT!

This week the Director’s Cut crew reviews Youth In Revolt, ask the top 10 multiple personality movies, and add yet another personality back onto the crew! Debra weighs-in on the film as well, and we get a three-way conversation going… inside the listener’s head. Plus, Sean decided to make the mistake of going on a date to see Victoria’s Secret Panties (or something) and telling Dan; so naturally, Dan, Ollie and Debra hit him with the game we all know and love: 20 questions! Little did Sean know that secret voice from his past would call-in to help out. It’s the Director’s Cut! You know you love it.


Davenport’s Pick: This week in…

2006: Cabin Fever
2007: Female Trouble
2008: The Orphanage
2009: Lady Terminator