Category Archives: Comics! With Richard and Carter

Joe The Barbarian Review (COMICS!)


Nothing better then a little escapism!

Hello everyone! I am Richard! The Awkward and Hilarious! Today I present to you a comic review. So sit back, relax, and read on! Anyways, one of the biggest movies that came out this week was Oz the Great and Powerful. As a Sam Raimi fan, I was really pumped to return to that magical dream land. Thankfully, when I saw the movie, I left the theater with a smile on my face. Unlike Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, a film I’m 100% sure this movie will be compared to a lot, Oz is a movie I’m not afraid to say I enjoyed without being made fun of. It wasn’t necessarily Great or Powerful, but it was just a fun time at the movies. Also, after I left the theater, I began thinking of some of my favorite tales with a similar premise. Someone from our world, in need of change, being transported to a brave new land of fantasy and impossibility.

Now, normal people would probably think of more traditional examples. Me, I thought of an awesome 3 year old comic called Joe The Barbarian. The story of Joe is penned by comic book legend, Grant Morrison, and is drawn by a favorite of mine, Sean Murphy. Joe The Barbarian follows a boy named Joe Manson. Joe, a creative and diabetic young lad whom tends to escape the harshness of his real life, fails to receive his daily needed dose of glucose. Once this happens, Joe begins to hallucinate a fantasy world inhabited by mystical monsters, as well as his action figures. Upon arrival, Joe learns he is the prophesied Dying Boy come to destroy King Death, and save the land for all!

In 2010, when this story was being told, I was only reading Batman related series. Later in the year, I began to explore other areas of the comic world. Specifically comics written by people I really love. One of my favorite writers of all time is Grant Morrison. At the time, the only Morrison book I was reading was his amazing Batman and Robin series. One day, I had a conversation with a fellow Morrison fan, chit-chatting about the latest adventure of Batman and Robin, and he told me about this awesome book called Joe the Barbarian.

It was a limited series, written by Morrison, being done over at Vertigo, which is an imprint of DC Comics. Once he gave me a short summary of the story, I became incredibly excited to read it. So, I patiently waited for the hardcover to be released. Once it hit the store shelves, I raced to the nearest shop, grabbed myself a copy, threw about thirty some dollars at the cashier, and raced back home! I didn’t leave my room at all that evening. I was so into what I was reading.

One of the aspects I loved most was the character of Joe. I related to him in so many ways. Minus the diabetes, the kid was basically me. I’ve always been someone who kind of lives inside their own head. Trying to escape reality because it’s too much for them to handle. Admittedly, I related so much that it was kind of hard to read this book. It reminded me of similar struggles I’m going through currently that I’ve tried to avoid through escapism. That being said, It was good to be reminded of those things, strangely. It made me even more invested and sucked into this comic.

Another interesting aspect was the way it was written. While this comic features the usual Grant Morrison writing style, it didn’t feel like a typical comic from him. The story was much more straight forward, and less metaphorical. It’s always nice to see writers challenge themselves and/or try something new. All that being sad, the greatest thing to come out of me reading this comic was discovering Sean Murphy. Murphy’s art work in Joe was so amazing that it became difficult to even turn the page. I’d literally just be sitting on my bed, gazing upon a brilliant castle, witnessing an epic battle, or marveling at the forest lands of this beautifully drawn world.

After I read this book, I fell in love with the work of Sean Murphy. Since then, If I ever find anything sporting his name, I instantly have to purchase it. Even the freaking cover of the hardcover, depicted above, is amazing! Just look at it! It’s all kinds of spectacular! Anyways, if you haven’t been able to tell, I really loved this comic. It’s not my favorite tale from Morrison, but I consider it one of his best!

I give Joe The Barbarian a 5 outta 5!

Batman #17 Review!! (COMICS!)


You ever dance with the Devil by the pale moon light?

Hello! This is your fellow inmate of Arkham Asylum, Richard, here! Today…I present to you a one take review of the conclusion to one of the best Joker tale’s I’ve read since The Killing Joke: Death of the Family! Death of the Family was a big Joker event that took place in all the main Bat books from DC Comics, recently. While the event itself has faced some severe criticism from fans and critics alike, the main story line in Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman run has received anything but. Especially from me! I’ve been loving the story, but does the conclusion continue the level of genius featured in the previous issues? Well…to find out what I thought, click on the picture above. It will take you directly to my review! Also, if you wanna see more videos, subscribe to Channel23hahaha on Youtube! I’d really appreciate it! Enjoy the video! 🙂

Jimmy Olsen a Woman in Man of Steel?!?! (COMICS!)


Jimmy or Jenny…kind of sounds like a sequel to Ed Wood’s Glen or Glenda, don’t it?

Hello super friends! It’s your alien refugee, Richard, here! Today, I present to you an episode of COMICS! in which I review two AMAZING comic issues from last week. After that, I discuss an interesting bit of news that has been going around since Monday. As you know, this summer will see the latest film to feature Superman. While the film is only months away from release, we barely know a thing about it.

Little by little, as we reach closer to the big day, small nuggets of information emerge. Answering questions we’ve had since the announcement of Man of Steel. One of those questions was whether or not Jimmy Olsen, photographer for the Daily Planet, would appear in the film. He has shown up in pretty much every adaptation of Superman ever, but there didn’t seem to be any sign of him in Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan’s take on the superhero.

One day, while surfing the Man of Steel IMDB page, website found the answer to that question. Jimmy Olsen IS going to be in the film, but not as you remember him. In this film, HE will be a SHE. That’s right…Jimmy Olsen is now going to be JENNY Olsen. Now, IMDB isn’t the most reliable source for movie info, ironically enough. However, when watching the latest trailer, you see a bit in which Perry White, played by Lawrence Fishburne, is charging away from an explosion with a woman.

The woman, unknown actress Rebecca Buller, looks exactly like the actress listed on IMDB whose playing Jenny Olsen. So…it looks like this is legit information, but it’s still not 100%. So, what are your thoughts on this news? Are you for it? Against it? Tell me all about what your thoughts in the comment section here, or in the comment section of the latest episode of COMICS! As usual, in order to watch, click on the pretty picture above! Also, subscribe to my channel, Channel23hahaha, for more episodes! Have a good one!

Agent Coulson Lives!! (COMICS!)


WARNING! Avengers spoilers ahead! Actually, is an Avenger spoiler warning even necessary?

HELLO EVERYONE! Welcome to my first post of 2013! I’m incredibly excited for all this year has to offer. Especially because there are a ton of great looking new comic series starting this year! So excited! Anyways, today’s post is all about one man…no…one hero. His name…Is Agent Phil Coulson! As most of you know, Coulson is the glue that holds together the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

He quickly became a fan favorite character. So much so, that he is actually a part of the comics and Marvel animated shows like Ultimate Spider-Man. Now, based on this knowledge, how do you think fans reacted when Coulson died in The Avengers? It was an incredibly sad, but necessary, moment in the film. Coulson’s death was what brought The Avengers, officially, together so they can defeat Loki and his evil alien army!

Now, in case you weren’t aware, whenever someone dies in a comic book (like a major beloved character) they usually will come back from the death within a year or so. This is something that bothers me about comics. Death is meaningless, and point less. Granted, a character death can be done well (Captain America, Batman) but usually it’s just annoying (Superman, Human Torch) when it happens. The Avengers, and the MCU, have been quite faithful to the source material…now It looks like they are being too faithful. Why? Agent Phil Coulson, once thought dead, is actually alive and well!

How is this possible? Well, checkout the latest episode of COMICS! to find out! Also, in the new episode, I talk about the comic book movies that totally got snubbed by the Oscars! THE DARK KNIGHT RISES DESERVED SEVERAL AWARDS, DARN IT! Also, I review a brand new Star Wars comic EVERYONE should check out! As usual, click on the picture above to watch the newest episode of COMICS! Finally, don’t forget to subscribe to Channel23hahaha for more COMICS! and anything else I upload!

Django Unchained #1 Review (COMICS!)

“What’s yer name?” “…Django. D-J-A-N-G-O….The D is silent.”

Howdy, folks! This is your bounty hunter from another mother, Richard, here! Today, I present to you a comic book review! However, this is not just some regular comic review where I chit chat about Batman’s latest adventure in Gotham City. No…This is a review of a comic book adaptation of a Quentin Tarantino film script! Specifically, his original script for his latest film: Django Unchained! OH MY GOD! That is freaking awesome, peeps! This is not something you usually see in comics. Also, what’s really exciting about this is the comic series will be a straight adaptation of the ENTIRE script.

This means that if there is something in the script that didn’t make it to film, it’s probably in the comic! The first issue was released today, and I’m loving it, in case you can’t tell. I will say this, if you don’t want to be spoiled in anyway…AVOID THIS COMIC! Once again, It’s a direct adaptation of the script. So, avoid it, or wait until the film comes out to pick up issue one.

Anyways, Issue one starts off with a group of slaves being escorted to possibly another location to continue their unfortunate slavery. During their journey, The slaves and slavers meet a dentist named Dr. King Schultz. They also meet his horse, Fritz. Schultz is looking for a particular slave that he believes is among the group. As expected, that very slave is among the group, and his name is…Django. Schultz attempts to acquire the slave by politely purchasing him, but the slavers won’t budge. Instead, Schultz is forced to aggressively purchase Django. Schultz and Django then ride to the nearest town to chat about why this has all happened. Apparently, Schultz is actually a bounty hunter looking for some people Django might know. So, he enlists Django to help find these people, and kill them.

First off, I’m so glad this is a direct adaptation of Tarantino’s script. I don’t think there is a single writer out there who could have done a Tarantino script justice. Especially in the dialog. Tarantino dialog is always rough, witty, and fun all at the same time. That’s probably why I hate most film adapted comics. The writers can never really capture the voice of the story or the screenwriter. I will say, the dialog does get a bit wordy at times. Even more so when Schultz is speaking, which is most of the time. That being said, if it were bad dialog, then it would be an issue. Thankfully, the dialog is amazing, and totally fun to read.

But! This is something I expect from Tarantino! I know he is going to wow me when it comes to writing. The real thing to look at is the artwork. The artist on this comic is R.M. Guera. The art in the comic is very rugged, tough, dark and stylized. It’s a style that nicely fits the story. I wouldn’t say it’s perfect, though. Some of the faces are a bit weird at times. Other then that, I really dig the artwork. It very much looks like a western comic. Overall, I’m very happy with the way this first issue turned out. Also, it was nice to get kind of an early peek at the first few moments in the film!

I give Django Unchained #1 4.5 gun shots outta 5! I realize half a gun shot is odd, but that’s my rating!

If you would like me to review the rest of the series as it comes out, tell me in the comments! Also, please subscribe to Channel23hahaha on Youtube! I’d really appreciate it!

Man of Steel Trailer #2 Review!!! (COMICS!)

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…..Crap what’s the last part of that quote?

Hello fellow Kryptonian survivors! This is Ran-Ze, aka Richard, coming to you live from the bottle city of Kandor! So, some of you might not know this about me. I, Richard Lee Purnell, am a Massive Superman fanboy! I know you don’t hear Batman fan’s proclaim this a lot, but it’s 110% the truth. Also, I’m a massive fan of this new Man of Steel trailer! Honestly, I really liked the teaser that was released over the summer. I know most fans didn’t dig the teaser, but I was feeling it, man! I loved the feel of it. It looked like they were going for a grounded approach to the character. This new trailer shows that as well, but It also shows the film is going to be equally epic!

Based on what this new trailer shows, this is going to be the ultimate Superman movie! I was so excited by this new trailer, that I made an entire review on it! To watch it, click on the image above! By the way, the image above is the beginning of my favorite scene in the trailer! Bone chilling, man! Also, to catch more wicked good vids and episodes of COMICS!, subscribe to Channel23hahaha on Youtube! I’d really appreciate it! Now, before I depart, I wanted to leave you with this awesome image from an upcoming Superman comic, possibly called Man of Steel but with no relation to the film, being written by my favorite comic writer Scott Snyder. Also, the artist on the series is the legend himself…Jim freaking Lee! If you aren’t aware of Jim Lee’s art, just look at the image below. It, alone, describes his legendary status, I’d say:

The Dark Knight Rises Blu-Ray Review! (COMICS!)


Hello y’all! It’s your dark vigilante of the night, Richard, here! This week was a heavily anticipated one for me. Why? Six words…The Dark Knight Rises on Blu-Ray! Wait…is Blu-Ray one word or two? Nah, I’m not going to get into that. Anyways, Oh my Gandalf have I been pumped for this movie’s home video release! Right after I saw the film in theaters, I knew I had to own it! I know it’s not everyone’s favorite, and I hear all the time about the great number of plot holes, and miss steps, and blah blah blah. Yes, the plot wasn’t as strong as Begins or Dark Knight. It’s not the best in the trilogy. In fact, it’s the worst in the trilogy.

All that being said, It’s still amazing, to me. It’s the best film of the summer BY FAR! Yea…I said it. It’s THE BEST OF THE SUMMER! It’s better then Avengers, and The Amazing Spider-Man, in my opinion! It’s grand, epic, character driven, funny, engaging, emotional, bittersweet, beautiful, action packed, and ballsy as hell! I think I covered everything this movie is. I mean, with that many adjectives, I’d assume I did. Anyways, I loved The Dark Knight Rises, and am glad to add it to my Blu-Ray collection! Now, to celebrate the release, I decided to make the newest episode of COMICS! a review of the Blu-Ray! Also, in the video, I checkout some of the Batmobiles from the films and the 60s TV show! To watch the video, as usual, click on the picture above! Also, if you’d like, please subscribe to Channel23hahaha for future videos and episodes of COMICS!

COMICS! Celebrates 100 Episodes This Week!!!

Thanksgiving isn’t the only thing to celebrate this week…..and I’m not talking about Black Friday, kids!

HELLO EVERYONE! It’s your Nostalgic Avenger, Richard, here! Now, I’m am super duper excited right now! Why? Well, This week will see the release of the 100th episode of COMICS! AHHHHHHHHH! Holy s#!%, Batman! It’s real crazy that Carter and I have done that many episodes! 100 episodes ago, Carter and I were just two guys whom love comics, but couldn’t fully express it. Now, we expressed the crap outta ourselves every week. Not literally, of course…….ANYWAYS! So, we wanted to thank everyone for watching the show, and making it last as long as it has and wanting it to go on. Carter and I aren’t even close to finished making episodes, so It’s nice to see that some of you aren’t even close to being done watching! You are all the best! Now, to celebrate, Carter and I will be doing a LIVE episode of COMICS! on Sunday at 7pm EST. You heard correct! COMICS! will be live this week! Also, we will be answering questions those of you asked in the previous episode, which you can watch by clicking the photo! Ask us a question, and you can be apart of our live episode! Anyways, thanks again for watching! You are all amazing, and I love you! Here is to 100 more!

Dark Country Graphic Novel Review (COMICS!)

Man, I love reading new comics! Especially horror/thrillers for Halloween!

Hey Y’all! It’s your zombified, vampirized, monster hunter named Richard, here! Now, do I have an interesting comic for you to check out! Now, 3 years ago, actor Thomas Jane I.E. the greatest on-screen version of The Punisher ever, directed his first film called Dark Country. It was more of an independent film that was based on a short story by the film’s screenwriter, Tab Murphy. The story followed a newlywed Vegas couple on the way to their honeymoon! However, things don’t really go as planned when they run into a man whose face is all but gone. They decide to help out this mysterious and faceless individual by taking him to get help. However, it turns out that not only is this man’s face disturbing, but so is the man himself! This leads to one hell of a horrifying and shocking night in the Nevada desert!

Sadly, I didn’t get the chance to view the film Jane directed yet, but I did find out that Jane, Tim Bradstreet, another guy who put his lovely stamp on the Marvel anti-hero, Tab Murphy, and artist Thomas Ott adapted the short story into a beautiful digital graphic novel! Which you can purchase on the comiXology app right now! Now, this graphic novel just floored me when I was reading it! Hell, it floored me when I was skimming through it! Ott’s artwork is simply beautiful! It’s artists like Ott whom have the ability to tell a story without a single word written on the page. Which is EXACTLY how this comic plays out!

I love silent issues of comic series, but It’s a tough thing to deliver, for sure. You need an artist capable enough to deliver what you’ve brought to the table. Ott, as mentioned, is without a single solitary doubt one of those very artists skillful enough to deliver a silent comic. His scratch board art style is so well used, and perfectly fits the tone of the story being told. It’s hard to compare it to other artists, mainly because no one else really does art like Ott!

Now, this graphic novel not only features Ott’s art, but it also has a few other goodies for you! First of all, the book is filled to the top with behind the scenes looks at the making of Thomas Jane’s film. From storyboards, make up work, call sheets, and so much more. You name it, it’s probably in there! Second, the Graphic Novel also comes with Tab Murphy’s original short story, WHICH I LOVED!

I really really enjoyed Murphy’s short because of the way he wrote it. He wrote it as if YOU are the main character. It’s not a story style you see everyday. It’s a style that almost help’s the imagination picture the story more. Especially since you are the main character. So, when the story’s finale delivers the final punch, you truly feel it! For sure, worth reading when your done drooling over Ott’s artwork!

In conclusion witches and werewolves, I do truly recommend this comic to all of you reading this article now! Again, you can find the comic on the comiXology app for an amazing $9.99 price tag. That’s WAY cheaper then the usual graphic novels you find at the book store or your local comic shop. Also, if you’d like to know more about the comic, the film, the short story, and RAW Studios which is a company founded by Jane and Bradstreet, click on the picture above. This leads directly to their main website! Also, if you want more COMICS! please subscribe to Channel23hahaha on Youtube! Have a Happy Halloween everyone!!!

Iron Man 3 Trailer Review!!! (COMICS!)

Fun Fact: I’m writing this article in the middle of class! Total dedication to The Director’s Cut Radio Team!

Hey Hey Hey! This is FAT RICHARD, here! Today, I bring you a quick video review of a highly anticipated trailer for the first film in Phase 2 of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe): Iron Man 3! When I say highly anticipated…I mean HIGHLY ANTICIPATED! It was so highly anticipated, they had a trailer for the trailer! Actually, I’m not even kidding you on that. Marvel Studios actually released a trailer teasing this very trailer. I don’t know whether that is genius or moronic. Also, I don’t know if this trailer reached the level of anticipation the trailer of the trailer placed it at. I’m starting to confuse myself. So, lets move on now! As usual, to watch my review, click on the pretty picture up top! Also, if you have yet to view the trailer, It’s linked in the description of the episode! Also Also, don’t forget to subscribe to Channel23hahaha to get more awesome COMICS! goodness!